

Home heating blogs relating to oil and renewable technologies for industry professionals and homeowners

Best practices for installing air source heat pumps

Technical, Renewable

Best practices for installing air source heat pumps

The number of air source heat pump installations taking place each year is increasing and more qualified heat pump installers will be needed if future heat pump installation targets are to be achieved. It is important than any engineer looking to work with heat pumps is suitably trained to ensure that the systems they install are correctly fitted and commissioned to provide their customers with years of reliable, low carbon heating. This blog talks through some of the key stages of the installation process.

Installers should complete a thorough handover with homeowners about their heat pump


Air Source Heat Pump Installations – what homeowners need to know

Air source heat pumps are a low carbon heating solution that homeowners can install at their homes to fulfil their heating requirements. With lots of choice, the heat pump market can be a confusing place for consumers so in this blog, we will explore some of the key considerations homeowners should be aware of when planning an air source heat pump installation.

Understanding the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)


What is the Boiler Upgrade Scheme?

In Spring 2022, after the Domestic RHI closed, a new Government funding programme opened to help homeowners make the switch from a fossil fuel boiler to a renewable heating source, such as an air source heat pump. The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (formerly known as the Clean Heat Grant) is open to applicants who can claim £7,500 towards the installation of an air source heat pump to replace their existing boiler. To be eligible, installations need to fulfil the Scheme criteria which we take a closer look at in this blog.

Heat emissions are suitable for installation on suspended floors

Technical, Heat emitters

Underfloor Heating for Suspended Floors

Underfloor heating systems can be installed on suspended floors but there are some important installation considerations that installers need to note. In this blog, we will explore the topic of suspended floors and how solutions, such as heat emissions plates, can make UFH a viable heat emitter choice for this type of floor construction.

Research all the options available in renewable heating systems


How to get started with renewable heating at home

A renewable heating system can help a household not only reduce their dependency on fossil fuels but it is a more sustainable solution for fulfilling their space heating and hot water demands. Planning the installation of a renewable heating system can appear daunting so in this blog, we will break down the key steps involved in making the move to low carbon heating.

Low Profile Underfloor Heating – what you need to know

Heat emitters, Renewable

Low Profile Underfloor Heating – what you need to know

Low profile underfloor heating systems make this type of heat emitter a viable option for almost any home. Simple to install, causing minimal disruption to a home’s interior and suitable for installation as either a screeded or non-screeded system, Grant UK’s Uflex MINI underfloor heating system boasts many advantages. Here we take a look at the main facts homeowners need to know about low profile underfloor heating.

Turning down your room thermostat could help reduce your energy bills

General, Oil, Renewable

Save energy by turning down your room thermostat

Ensuring home heating systems are working as efficiently as possible is more important than ever, not only to help systems operate as sustainably as possible but also to help households to keep on top of their energy costs. Neil Sawers, Grant UK’s Commercial Technical Manager, shares some advice in this blog to help homeowners understand best practice when it comes to heating their homes.

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