Grant UK distributes through a network of independent and national plumbing and heating merchants. Please use our Merchant Search tool to locate a distributor near you.
Read MoreNet zero carbon refers to achieving a balance which ensures that the level of carbon dioxide within the atmosphere is not added to or increased. The Government has set the country a target of achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 which will mean that society, its behaviours and everything it produces, will need to collectively not increase the overall level of emissions, including carbon. Wherever possible, no carbon emissions should be produced but when they are, society needs to counteract these emissions with an environmentally friendly solution to absorb any excess carbon from the atmosphere.
Read MoreThe Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) was a Government initiative introduced to encourage and reward people for using renewable fuels to heat their properties. The Domestic RHI Scheme closed to new applications in March 2022.
The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is a Government funding programme that opened in the Spring of 2022, following the closure of the Domestic RHI Scheme. The BUS is open to eligible applicants in England and Wales who make the swap from a fossil fuel boiler to a low carbon heat pump.
Read MoreWarmer Homes Scotland is a Scottish Government funded programme which offers funding and support to eligible households in Scotland for energy saving improvements for their home.
Read MoreThe Nest Scheme is run by the Welsh Government and it provides free, impartial advice to Welsh householders about the ways in which they can make their home warmer and more energy efficient. For eligible Welsh households, funding is also available for the installation of home energy efficiency improvements.
Read MoreAll Grant products have a statutory 12-month guarantee. If the product is registered via our website within 30 days of installation, this is upgraded to a standard warranty: 2 years on oil boilers, air source heat pumps and hybrids, 5 years on solar thermal, 2 years on cylinder components and 25 years on the cylinder body. These warranty periods are subject to Terms and Conditions.
Read MoreWe do offer a ten year guarantee on our Vortex Pro Boiler range; however, this is subject to certain Terms and Conditions such as the product being installed by a Grant G1 installer and a Grant Mag One filter being fitted to the system. For details on how to find a G1 Installer, please visit our Find an Installer search.
Grant UK’s Find an Engineer search facility allows homeowners to find local installers and engineers in their area. Simply click on ‘Find an Engineer’ under the ‘Support’ header and then enter your postcode. The search will then bring up a selection of G1 installers and service engineers based locally to you. You can also filter your search to suit your requirements.
G1 Installers can activate extended guarantees on the Grant products they are accredited to install. This can include Grant’s Aerona³ air source heat pumps and VortexAir Hybrid models. In order to activate the longer guarantee periods, the G1 Installer must install the appliance in full accordance with the installation instructions and then register the product via their online G1 Portal.
Read MoreYes - Grant Engineering (UK) Ltd is a member of RECC (Membership No. 00070263).
Read MoreYes, Grant Engineering (UK) Ltd is TrustMark registered (TrustMark Licence Number 1867449) for Air Source Heat Pumps.
Read MoreWe consider and respond to all complaints and issues, no matter how they are raised or what they refer to. We take every opportunity to resolve complaints at the first point of contact where possible. To make a complaint, please use the contact forms on this site, or alternatively email If a complaint cannot be resolved in-house, consumers can refer the complaint to the Renewable Energy Consumer Code.
Grant UK's VAT Number is 675857181.
Please click here to download a copy of Grant UK's Insurance Arrangements.
No. Grant UK do not outsource annual product maintenance agreements like their ServicePlan offering. The Grant UK Team would never call you unprompted to ask for credit card or banking details over the phone – please be alert to potential scams if you receive a cold call asking for your card or banking details.
A heating system’s overall efficiency can be significantly improved by combining multiple heating technologies. From heat pumps to cylinders and effective heat emitters, you can get all these renewable products from Grant with our package solutions.
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